Tag Archives: sensory
Why play with play dough? Make it social!
So how many times have you tried to introduce play dough (or something else ooey and gooey) to your child and he refuses to touch it? Trust me, you are not the only one. Ok, so some may say, “Who cares if my kid plays with play dough or not, no big deal.” Well, that’s pretty much true, but my concern with kids not engaging with toys or sensory manipulatives is that it may keep them from being social with their peers.
The same is true for sensory/bean/rice/sand/water tables or bins. The whole point in providing the opportunity for them to engage in these tasks is so that when they are presented with these activities at school or in any other social situation, they will more likely participate with their peers than leave the environment.
When providing the opportunity for your child to engage in these tasks, just consider them prerequisites to social play, communication, and friendship. We would have to agree that these are pretty important goals to focus on!Continue reading